An urra ri meur Dhùn Èideann a’ Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich, tha Mòd Ionadail Dhùn Èideann a’ toirt iomadach cothrom dha daoine òga pàirt a ghabhail anns an tachartas Ghàidhlig as motha sa phrìomh-bhaile. Càirdeil, cridheil, spòrsail: feuch gun tig sibh chun a’ Mhòid, agus an teaghlach còmhla ruibh!
Run by An Comunn Gàidhealach’s Edinburgh branch, the Edinburgh Mòd is one of twenty annual local Mòds held throughout Scotland. A warm, family-friendly event, it offers young people many opportunities to join in the largest Gaelic cultural event in our capital city. Although the Mòd is a competition event, taking part and having fun are the most important aspects.
Mòd Ionadail Dhùn ÈideannTha Mòd Ionadail Dhùn Èideann fo stiùir meur Dhùn Èideann a' Chomuinn Ghàidealaich
Edinburgh Local Mòd is run by the Edinburgh branch of An Comunn Gàidhealach |